Curing salt what it is and how much to use

bacon sal de cura

What is curing salt?

Curing salt is an additive used in the production of cured foods. Its main function is preservation by inhibiting contamination by bacteria and fungi. One of the main reasons for its use is to suppress the proliferation of the bacteria clostridium botulinum, which contaminates food with botulinum toxin. Continue reading Sal de cura o que é e quanto usar

Basic sausage guide


Article 412 – RISPOA

  • “Insured meat” means all products made with meat or edible organs, whether cured or not, seasoned, cooked or not, smoked and dried or not, with intestine, bladder or animal membrane as the wrapping.
    SOLE PARAGRAPH: the use of artificial skins in the preparation of sausages is permitted, as long as they are approved by DIPOA.

Continue reading Guia básico de embutidos

Consumer wants natural foods

carne organica certificada

North American consumers want foods without additives, including meat, because they understand that meats free of hormones and antibiotics, industrialized products free of chemical additives and crops without the use of genetically modified seeds are “healthier” and “tastier”, that is which points out a report from Technomic Inc. Continue reading Consumidor quer alimentos naturais

Chicken sausage recipe

linguiça de frango

Be careful when changing the proportions as the skin and fat from the drumstick will add moisture and flavor to the sausage. If you add too much chicken breast, the sausage will be dry, with little flavor and brittle when eaten. In terms of sausage, it is a light recipe because for this suggested proportion it is unnecessary to add more fat. But, if you prefer, add 10% of the weight of the meat in pork subcutaneous fat, chopped into 1 cm cubes. Continue reading Receita de linguiça de frango

Italian salami cacciatore recipe

salame cacciatore

Cacciatore It means hunter in Italian and originated from the consumption of this salami during hunting, as it was easy to transport and did not spoil. It is usually 15 to 18 centimeters long and is cured with spices, wine and herbs. It's great to accompany a good cheese and Italian bread. Continue reading Receita de salame italiano cacciatore