Peameal bacon

peameal bacon caseiro

Peameal Bacon it is a type of unsmoked bacon. It is made from fat-free pork loin, cured in brine with salt, sugar and some seasonings, brushed with maple syrup and wrapped in ground yellow peas. It can be sliced and grilled, fried or baked. Served in breads or as a main dish. Yellow pea flour adds a crunchy touch to the peameal bacon.

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Home-made artisanal smoked bacon

defumador bacon defumado artesanal

It is simple and rewarding to produce bacon by hand, it can be made both at home and in a professional kitchen or small refrigerator. The big advantage is the possibility of changing the seasonings, curing time, amount of salt and smoking or cooking. As bacon is an important ingredient in many dishes, changing its flavor can make a big difference in the final result of a preparation.

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Cured pork belly

barriga de porco curada e maturada lardo dry cured pork belly

In this recipe we use the pork belly cover, which is the upper part of the belly, with the fat having a predominant presence in the piece. We remove the skin, which was used in this pururuca recipe. It is a product similar to lardo, but the seasoning is intense to aid preservation and to be used in the preparation of other dishes, as an alternative source of fat to vegetable oils. But it can also be consumed pure, in bread and as a snack. With a good amount of maturation time, it acquires a wonderful flavor, similar to raw ham, but well seasoned.

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Canadian Loin or Artisan Canadian Bacon

Bacon Canadense

O Canadian bacon or Canadian bacon it is previously cured with a salt, curing salt, herbs, sugar and liquid smoke or smoke from burning wood, then it is roasted or slowly smoked until the interior reaches food safety temperature. The curing salt adds a layer of cured flavor that, for me, is essential in this type of product. Continue reading Lombo Canadense ou Bacon Canadense Artesanal

Homemade bacon with smoked aroma

bacon caseiro

My first artisanal bacon It was quite simple, I used the most basic recipe possible, both in terms of ingredients and process. It was good, but with a mild, delicate flavor, a little far from the intensity of the bacon we are used to these days. This time I made the bacon using natural smoke flavoring and some additional ingredients to give it a more intense flavor. Continue reading Bacon caseiro com aroma de defumação

Artisan bacon

bacon artesanal frito

It is extremely simple and rewarding to produce bacon by hand, it can be made both at home and in a professional kitchen or small refrigerator. The big advantage is the possibility of changing the seasonings, curing time, amount of salt and smoking or cooking. As bacon is an important ingredient in many dishes, changing its flavor can make a big difference in the final result of a preparation. Continue reading Bacon artesanal