Homemade smoked chicken ham

presunto defumado de frango

Smoked ham recipe made 100% with chicken breast. Very low fat, light, delicious and nutritious! With little equipment, it is possible to make homemade products, with quality ingredients and the minimum additives necessary to have a safe product, which maintains the quality and distinctiveness of an artisanal product. Great to eat on cold cuts or as a snack with bread.

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Recipe for raw ham, parma, homemade jamon

prosciutto crudo presunto cru dry cured ham jamón

Germany, Italy, Spain, France and Portugal currently produce the best raw hams in the world. The word ham comes from Italian prosciutto, which in turn came from Latin pro (before) + exsuctus(exudation). In this recipe we will follow the recipe most similar to raw Parma ham (Prosciutto di Parma), of Italian origin. There are many variations and ways to arrive at a good product.

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Ham cooked with peppers

presunto cozido

Making ham at home is not as complicated as it may seem, it is actually quite simple having some basic charcuterie ingredients and equipment on hand to speed up the process. For this ham recipe you will need a good knife, collagen sheet, elastic net and culinary twine. The rest is patience and attention to the details of the process. This is a very beautiful and decorative ham due to the colorful peppers. It's a very beautiful and tasty recipe!

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Handmade rustic cooked ham

presunto cozido artesanal caseiro

Making ham at home is not as complicated as it may seem, it is actually quite simple having some basic charcuterie ingredients and equipment on hand to speed up the process. You will need a good knife, plastic casing and a bagger or wide funnel. The rest is patience and attention to the details of the process. This is a rustic ham, with visible pieces of meat. It's a very tasty recipe!

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