What is Charque? By law in Brazil, beef jerky is the meat product obtained from beef, with added salt and subjected to a desiccation process. It is marketed as “beef jerky” or “salted and dried beef”, which can also be “dried meat” in the product description. It may contain meat from other animal species as long as, when sold, it is informed on the packaging.
Continue reading Como fazer charque?Author: Eduardo Artisanal Charcuterie
Sausages without curing salt? No nitrate and nitrite?
Curing salts, composed of nitrite (NO2) and nitrate (NO3) salts, are additives used in meat products due to their multiple action, which includes inhibition of microbial growth, especially clostridium botulinum, retardation of oxidation, flavor production and cured meat aroma and color stabilization. However, under certain conditions, some studies indicate its carcinogenic potential.
Continue reading Embutidos sem sal de cura? Sem nitrato e nitrito?How to reduce salt in sausages?
How can we reduce the amount of salt when producing sausages, sausages, hamburgers, mortadella, ham, salami, coppa and other sausages? And most importantly, without losing flavor and quality.
Continue reading Como reduzir o sal em embutidos?The fermentation of salami and other sausages
Salami and other aged sausages do not undergo heat treatment to eliminate pathogens. Fermentation is required because it is an important additional barrier to the safety of these products. There are pathogens that can cause problems, such as Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli (STEC), Clostridium botulinum, Clostridium perfringens and Staphylococcus aureus.
Continue reading A fermentação do salame e outros embutidosSalami with pepper crust
This salami was made using textile casing seasoned with peppers. Textile casing is a very easy way to apply a seasoned outer layer, or crust. In this case, textile casing was used with a crust of white and black pepper. The production process is similar to traditional salami, the only difference is the type of casing, or casing, used, which in this case is a special casing for this purpose.
Continue reading Salame com crosta de pimentasPEPPERONI 100% beef made at home
The salami type pepperoni It has intense seasoning and is widely consumed, especially in the USA, in the production of pizzas. Its original name is peperone and dates back to Roman times. The original version is drier, hotter and more spicy than the contemporary commercial version. I applied a recipe here that is more focused on the original version. The meat generally used is beef, but pork can be added to harmonize the flavor of the product.
Continue reading PEPPERONI 100% bovino feito em casaHow to roast meat so that it is tender and falling apart?
The meat becomes tender to the point of falling apart due to the process of breaking down the muscle fibers and collagen present in the meat. The muscle tissues involved mainly include long muscle fibers and collagen fibers.
Continue reading Como assar uma carne para que fique macia e desmanchando?Time and temperature for smoking meats, vegetables and cheeses
Table with suggested temperatures and times for smoking meat. These values serve as a basic reference as the process depends on several points, such as quantity of food, air input and output, smoke and type of wood.
Continue reading Tempo e temperatura para defumar carnes, vegetais e queijosPASTRAMI smoked in the PAN vs electric smoker
Pastrami is a cured and smoked meat, usually made from beef brisket. It is seasoned with a blend of spices, slowly smoked and then sliced to serve. Pastrami is known for its strong flavor and succulent texture, making it a popular ingredient in sandwiches, salads and various dishes. It is especially famous in Jewish cuisine and associated with New York delis.
Continue reading PASTRAMI defumado na PANELA vs defumador elétricoPepper hotness table
Peppers are essential ingredients in cooking. The wide variety of sizes, colors, shapes and degrees of heat expand the possibilities for composing dishes, sweet or savory.
The main factor when choosing peppers is the degree of pungency, stinging, heat or stinging, which is defined by the concentration of capsaicin, the chemical component responsible for the burning sensation.
Continue reading Tabela de ardência das pimentas