Brazilian Pork Cutting Manual


The more than one hundred titles of pork cuts that are part of this manual certainly do not exhaust the dynamic subject of the gastronomic uses of this admirable animal protein. Through this work, however, the Brazilian Association of Pig Breeders (ABCS) uncovers a new and vigorous universe of uses in the Brazilian market for a product that is already globally renowned.

The Manual organizes the vision of pork from the structure of the carcass to its specific gastronomic uses. Let's note that the structure of the pork carcass itself allows the segmented use of fat, given its low intramuscular incidence. In this regard, it is possible that no other protein of animal origin presents such flexibility. The simple elimination of the fat located in the surface layer reveals meat with unparalleled levels of cholesterol and saturated fat when compared to similar products. Likewise, correctly adjusted to uses and segments, as in the case of ovens and barbecues, pork fat provides numerous solutions with flavor and succulence.

This Manual, therefore, seeks to focus on the desires of the end consumer, whether located in retail, in the bar, in the restaurant, in school lunches, in the bakery, or in the industrial kitchen. In short, through this work, butchers and professionals in the food sector across the country will be able to be closer to their customers and, at the same time, explore all the commercial and economic potential that pork has to offer.


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Bacon is made with pork belly.
Sausage is made from mechanically separated meat, beef, chicken and pork.

At the time of Operation Carne Fraca I made a post with the regulation of sausages in Brazil and mechanically separated meat (CMS) is actually widely used in sausages. I even agree that we should make the most of by-products, but it is a very low quality ingredient! Just the sausages”Vienna" It is "Frankfurt” are exempt from the CMS, but you need to pay close attention to the pranks because if you are “Type Vienna" It is "Type Frankfurt” there’s CMS! Alexandre, a big hug!

Bacon is made with pork belly.