In which sausages can I use edible collagen casing?
Collagen casings can be applied to both fresh sausages and sausages and cured sausages. Types of sausage and fresh sausage include barbecue sausages, hot dog sausages, Polish sausages, Italian sausages, and German sausages such as bratwurst. Cured sausages are divided into semi-dry sausages or dry sausages, such as salamis, salami and cured pepperoni.
How to store collagen casing?
To ensure or extend the shelf life of casings, store them at a temperature of 10°C to 25°C and a relative humidity of 60% to 70%. Keep away from heat and avoid sunlight. Unused or opened casings should not be left open and exposed to air. Pack them well, preferably vacuum-sealed and refrigerated. If using plastic wrap, wrap them several times to prevent them from drying out.
Long storage time will cause the casings to dry out and lose moisture, resulting in the casings breaking during stuffing. To avoid this, it is recommended to place them in a place with high humidity to absorb moisture for 24 hours before use.
Steps for sausages cooked in collagen casing
1) Embedding in the collagen casing
Different stuffing methods lead to different volumes and compaction of the dough, which directly affects whether the sausage/sausage will be firm or not during the cooking process. Avoid applying too much pressure and try to compact the dough well in the bagger/cannon to avoid air bubbles. Do not burn the collagen casing when making cooked products.
2) Drying before cooking
This process is very important, as it leads to uniform moisture and better homogeneity. It is suggested to dry for 30 minutes in a hot wind of 50℃—55℃. You can take advantage of this step and smoke the sausages if it suits the recipe. However, if you do not have a place to dry them, leave them in a warmer and more ventilated place.
3) Cooking in collagen casing
The recommended total cooking time is 30 minutes. First, cook at 65℃ for 15 minutes, and then at 75℃ to 78℃ for another 15 minutes. The cooking temperature should not exceed 80℃.
What is the shelf life of collagen casing?
The shelf life is 2 years. However, this depends a lot on your storage environment. Ideal storage locations would be between 10ºC and 25℃. Casings will also last longer if left in their original, unopened packaging. We recommend that you reseal any opened casings and always store collagen casings in an airtight container.
Can I twist the collagen casing to separate the sausages?
When making sausage links with collagen casings, we recommend using 2 twists. If you twist less than twice, it may not be enough to hold the sausage together, and if you twist more, the increased pressure of the meat in the casing may cause it to tear. Other options include cutting the sausages individually, leaving the sides open, or tying each link with a culinary twine.
Do I need to hydrate the edible collagen casing?
Collagen casings are ready to use, so there is no soaking or other prep work like you have when using natural or fibrous casings.
Which side of the collagen casing should I stuff?
The two ends of a collagen casing stick will look different. One end will have a more uniform hole and opening. The other end will have a tail, an extension, marking the end of the casing. Slide the more regular end, without the tail, into your stuffing tube and stuff the sausage/sausage in the direction of the tailed end. That is, stuff in the direction of the tailed end that indicates the end of the casing.
Recommended caliber and funnel table for embedding
casing caliber (mm) | Funnel (mm) |
14 | 8 |
15 | 8 |
17 | 9 |
18 | 9 |
19 | 10 |
20 | 10 |
21 | 11 |
22 | 11 |
23 | 12 |
24 | 13 |
25 | 14 |
26 | 15 |
27 | 15 |
28 | 15 |
29 | 15 |
30 | 16 |
31 | 16 |
32 | 18 |
33 | 19 |
34 | 19 |