The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Mapa) completed another stage in regulating the Art Seal throughout Brazil. It was published Normative Instruction No. 61 IN61 (, which establishes the regulation for the classification of artisanal meat products for the granting of the Art Seal.
According to Mapa, the seal will allow the interstate sale of artisanal food products, such as sun-dried meat, sausages and smoked meats. With certification, artisanal producers will be able to access more markets and increase their income.
In practice, the normative instruction allows states and the Federal District (DF) to grant the Art Seal to meat products.
“The standard allows these products to be sold throughout the national territory, in addition to being a seal of guarantee of artisanal conformity, which is a potential value adder. This initiative will meet the demand of countless artisanal producers, who produce and preserve the culture and tradition of this production in their regions.”
The states and the DF must recognize, through specific protocols, artisanal products from their territories, considering the traceability of the raw material when applicable.
Rural producers of animals destined for slaughter for the manufacture of artisanal meat products must demonstrate compliance with Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), and the slaughter of animals or the raw material used must originate from slaughterhouses or slaughterhouses with official inspection.
Assessments of documents proving compliance with good practices will be carried out by the states and the DF, responsible for granting the Art Seal.
In the case of Good Agricultural Practices BPAs, the work may be carried out by Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (Ater) services.
In relation to manufacturing, assessments may be carried out by municipal, state or federal inspection services.