The smoking process preserves and adds flavor to food. Hams, bacon, salmon, herring and oysters are often smoked. It's important to make a distinction between smoking for preservation (cooking with smoke) and smoking for texture and flavor. Generally, there are three different methods of smoking foods: hot smoking, cold smoking, and applying liquid or powdered smoke.
Hot smoking
Hot smoking is the process carried out in a smoker, smokehouse or industrial greenhouses, generally for a short period of time, just until the meat has reached a temperature of at least 60ºC inside. The meat is cooked and smoked at the same time. The smoking time may vary depending on the temperature applied and the thickness of the product. Generally, partial smoking begins at 50°C and then a final period of cooking at 80°C until the center of the product reaches the safe temperature (>60°C). The exact total time and proportion spent at each stage will depend on the species, size, fat content and type of product required.
Cold smoking
Cold smoking is the process carried out over a much longer period of time, for example 12-24 hours, under smoke and a cold environment (below 40ºC). As food is kept in the dangerous temperature zone (up to 60ºC), rapid microbial growth can occur. Therefore, only meat products that have been fermented, salted or cured should be cold smoked. Most cold smoked products must be further cooked to an internal temperature of 60°C before eating. However, not all cold-smoked foods are treated in this way, for example smoked salmon and cold-smoked mackerel, which are very gently smoked over a long period of time and remain raw even when consumed. The US FDA has published a description of a commercial cold smoking process (US FDA 2001c).
Liquid smoke
Liquid smoke is a natural product, generally obtained by vaporizing water and condensing smoke from naturally burning wood. The liquid obtained may or may not undergo filtration, depending on the manufacturer. Many consumers and commercial operations use liquid smoke to add smoke flavor to their foods. Liquid smoke has some advantages over traditional smoking in that it can be controlled more precisely and the flavor of the smoke is instantaneous. In this process there is no risk of exposing the product to a prolonged period of time at a risky temperature, as is the case with cold smoked products.
Powdered smoke
Natural smoke powder is obtained by dehydrating liquid smoke, therefore it is also a natural product obtained by burning wood. But there are also products that are artificially flavored. It can be used as a condiment, adding the powder directly to products or it can be dissolved in water and used as liquid smoke, by dipping or added to products.
How long does it take to mature salami sprayed with liquid smoke?
The maturation does not change in relation to salamis without sprayed liquid smoke. The ideal is to monitor the weight loss of the salamis; when they lose between 40% and 50% of weight, they are ready.
How many times can I spray liquid smoke during the salami maturation process? If so, at what intervals? Can I put liquid smoke on the dough and on the outside of the salami? Thank you.
You can add the smoke to the dough or spray or brush it on the outside, depending on the intensity of the flavor you want. The smoke also helps to protect, so you can spray the liquid smoke on the outside at the beginning and during the maturation process, whenever you think it is necessary, both to add flavor and to help protect against any contamination points that may appear.
Hello, I hot-smoked pieces of loin that had already been cured, I did something wrong, right? I just want to be sure!
I put the meat in the danger zone, right?
Hello Rodrigo. How long ago had they been cured? What type of curing salt did you use?
Type 2, I'm doing a test, usually I leave it for 15 days, but this time I only left it for 5
No problem, curing salt 2 has a much longer protective action than 5 days.
Thank you so much for your help 👍
Can you use liquid smoke to preserve quail eggs? How to use
I guess my question would be, if I use liquid smoke and smoke it in an electric smoker, will I need to use another type of smoke? ex; I'm thinking about setting up a factory, but my area is close to houses
When using liquid smoke it is not necessary to go through the smoker. In other words, liquid smoke replaces smoking. You can use liquid smoke and hang the salami to dry/mature.
good afternoon!
I have a question, does smoke come out of the smoker's chimney when it is smoking with liquid smoke?
How can I use liquid smoke to make bacon?
It depends on the type of smoke, but in general, add all the seasonings to the meat, including liquid smoke, and leave it in the fridge for 2 or 3 days to incorporate. Then bake the bacon at a low temperature (90ºC) until the inside of the bacon reaches 65ºC.
What is the difference between lighter and darker liquid smoke?
Liquid smoke is clearer when it is more filtered and goes through stages of removing suspended particles. Another point is that darker and thicker smoke may have dyes and thickeners in its composition. Generally, smokes can be incorporated into the dough, but some are for external application only. When it is for external use, it is usually described on the packaging, otherwise it may be incorporated into the meat mass.
As always very kind, thank you Eduardo
Good morning Eduardo, you can cook the sausage at 75 degrees in water and after bathing in liquid smoke
Valdir, yes you can, but it will get more flavor if you add the smoke to the dough, mix it with the condiments. You can even do both.
Because the sausage takes on a dark color after smoking with wood
Because the smoke from smoking is incorporated, it remains impregnated on the outside of the sausage.
Why does the meat turn black during the smoking process?
The smoke from burning wood permeates the meat, darkening it. It is usually light to dark brown in color. If the meat is very black, there may have been excessive heat that burned the meat.
How to use liquid smoke in making sausage
You can add it directly to the dough, along with the other seasonings. If you want an external smoked color, apply liquid smoke to the outside of the sausages already embedded.
How can I use liquid smoke in the recipe when the mortadella is cooked?
You can add liquid smoke directly to the dough. But it won't have that smoke-colored outer cover. There are a few options for this: try immersing the mortadella, after cooking, without the casing, in liquid smoke. Use a casing that transfers the color to the product during cooking, but these are difficult to find. Or smoke the mortadella.
Hello, we are setting up our production process here without many resources. I saw a stainless steel coil cold smoker online. That uses powdered sawdust. Can I use it inside a cardboard box with the salamis/sausages hanging inside the box? I separated a large cardboard box, but I don't know if it releases any type of product and if it retains the smoke well (I thought about making a small opening at the top, like a chimney.
Yes, you can use it, at low temperatures the cardboard will not release anything. If you are going to smoke in hot weather, it is best to avoid cardboard.