Recipe, method of preparing pork skin for pururuca without frying, finished in 2 minutes in the microwave oven. You need to soften the skin, then dehydrate it and, finally, itch and pop using the microwave. In this way we were able to obtain a natural 100% product without the use of oils to fry the leather to make it chafe.
Ingredients for pururuca torremos in the microwave without frying
- Skin, pig leather.
- Water;
- Salt.
Cut the skin
Separate the skin from the meat and part of the fat. Separating the fat is optional. For those who want a very lean crackling, remove all the fat and keep only the skin. For those who want a moister crackling, keep some or all of the fat present. After this process, cut the skin into rectangular shapes;
Place the skin in a pan of boiling water, add salt to taste and cook for 1 hour to soften the skin.
Once cooked, remove from the water, drain and leave to cool for at least four hours in the refrigerator;
Place the skin on a wire rack and place in the oven at 80ºC for 4 hours. This step is important for dehydration to occur. The crackling will only become crispy if the skin is free of moisture.
After removing from the oven, place in the microwave for two minutes to crisp, crisp and reach the point of consumption.
Can we do this with bacon color?
I don't know, I've never tested it.