Red color in cured meats

bacon sal de cura

Color fixation reddish in the cured meats, that is, they were exposed to nitrite(NO²), is due to the pigment nitrosilhemochrome, which is the heat-denatured form of nitrosomyoglobin, formed from the reaction of nitric oxide (NO), coming from nitrite (NO2) and myoglobin naturally present in meat. Continue reading Coloração avermelhada em carnes curadas

Oregano extract is a natural antioxidant in meat products

oregano antioxidante

O oregano extract is an efficient antioxidant which can be used in meat products. The finding comes from experiments carried out by researchers from the Faculty of Animal Science and Food Engineering (FZEA) at USP, in Pirassununga, in which the extract was used in meat products based on sheep meat, replacing chemical additives BHT – butylhydroxy-toluene and sodium erythorbate. “These additives are used in meat products and in the food industry in general, as preservatives and antioxidants. But oregano extract achieved equivalent effects.” Continue reading Extrato de orégano é um antioxidante natural em produtos cárneos