Meat Preservation Guide

carnes curadas salame bacon copa

Humanity has preserved meat since the beginning of its history. Initially the techniques were basic and empirical, that is, there was no knowledge of how they worked, only practical knowledge that was passed from generation to generation. Society has evolved and preservation methods have become extremely elaborate and, in addition to preservation, gains in flavor and aroma have also gained ground. In some cases, preservation methods also increase the nitric quality of products. Continue reading Guia de preservação da carne

Red color in cured meats

bacon sal de cura

Color fixation reddish in the cured meats, that is, they were exposed to nitrite(NO²), is due to the pigment nitrosilhemochrome, which is the heat-denatured form of nitrosomyoglobin, formed from the reaction of nitric oxide (NO), coming from nitrite (NO2) and myoglobin naturally present in meat. Continue reading Coloração avermelhada em carnes curadas

How to make artisanal salami at home

salame pronto

Making salami at home may seem like a very difficult challenge at first, but with good reading and following the basic procedures you will realize that it is easier than it seems. There is no point in finding a recipe, because in the production of cured meats, such as salami, it is more important to understand how each process works than a specific recipe. It is more advantageous to create your own basic recipe following the principles of the process than to take a ready-made recipe and apply it without understanding what is happening.

Continue reading Como fazer salame artesanal em casa

Cured Fermented or Matured?

carne fermentação

Cure, Maturation It is Fermentation These are fascinating and extremely rich processes for the flavor, texture and preservation of food. Understanding these processes is a valuable ally for those who produce food, whether at home, in industries or in artisanal productions. Continue reading Curado Fermentado ou Maturado?