Processed meats curing salt nitrite nitrate and cancer

aditivos alimentares ins

Does curing salt cause cancer?

It is not the curing salt (nitrite and/or nitrate) itself that is associated with cancer, but rather the nitrosamines, which are a secondary compound that, in certain circumstances, including our stomach, can be formed in the human body by consumption. of nitrite. Knowing this, the main question is: what is the biggest source of nitrite and nitrate in our food?

Continue reading Carnes processadas sal de cura nitrito nitrato e câncer

Main ingredients and additives used in meat

aditivos alimentares carneos

Conservatives (cures)

These are substances with the function of maintaining the appearance and palatability of food, that is, keeping it in a condition to be consumed within a certain time, preventing or preventing deterioration caused by microorganisms or enzymatic action. Example: curing salt

Continue reading Principais ingredientes e aditivos usados em carnes

Can I use curing salt 1 for salami and copa?

sal de cura

Curing salt 1 contains only sodium nitrite and it is the sodium nitrite that acts during curing on the meat protein. Curing salt 2 contains, in addition to sodium nitrite, sodium nitrate. Sodium nitrate is slowly converted to sodium nitrite during the process. In other words, sodium nitrate only works after being converted into sodium nitrite! Continue reading Posso usar o sal de cura 1 para salame e copa?

Nitrite conversion time in cured meats

tabela de redução/conversão de nitrito em embutidos

For those who produce commercially or for their own consumption, it is extremely important to know and be able to estimate the reduction rate of sodium nitrite(present in curing salt) added in production. To better understand this issue, I listed some studies that present this reduction or conversion of sodium nitrite in cured meats from production to storage. Continue reading Tempo de conversão do nitrito nas carnes curadas

curing salt nitrite nitrate saltpeter history and benefits

carne curada sal de cura nitrito

Nitrite is considered an essential curing ingredient responsible for “fixing” the color characteristics associated with cured meats, creating a unique flavor profile that distinguishes it from products that do not contain nitrite, promoting control of lipid oxidation and serving as an efficient antimicrobial. alone or in synergy with other ingredients. Continue reading sal de cura nitrito nitrato salitre história e benefícios

Curing salt what it is and how much to use

bacon sal de cura

What is curing salt?

Curing salt is an additive used in the production of cured foods. Its main function is preservation by inhibiting contamination by bacteria and fungi. One of the main reasons for its use is to suppress the proliferation of the bacteria clostridium botulinum, which contaminates food with botulinum toxin. Continue reading Sal de cura o que é e quanto usar