Natural casing, collagen, cellulose and plastic. Which one to use? Advantages and disadvantages.

tripas colageno porco celulose plastica

Natural casings are made from animal intestines, usually pig, sheep or beef. They are carefully cleaned and processed to remove any residue and to ensure they are safe for food use. Natural casings are more fragile than artificial casings and tend to be more difficult to handle during the filling process.

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Cheddar and bacon sausage recipe

cheddar e bacon linguiça churrasco

Cheddar Cheese and Bacon Sausage: The combination of cheddar cheese and bacon is a delicious and very popular mix in many dishes. Aged cheddar cheese has a rich flavor with a slight hint of acidity, while bacon adds a smoky flavor. Together, cheddar cheese and bacon create an irresistible contrast of flavors.

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How is bacon made?

bacon defumado artesanal

O bacon se origina de um corte suíno inteiro chamado pancetta, que é delimitada por quatro cortes que lhe conferem um formato retangular: um superior, ao longo da espinha dorsal; outro inferior, do peito e da barriga; outro anterior, que vai da extremidade da copa-lombo e termina na ponta do esterno; e o último, posterior, que continua pela extremidade do presunto e vai até o pernil. Desse corte, remove-se o couro, que é constituído de duas capas: uma camada de carne misturada com gordura e uma capa de gordura.

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How is Jamón Ibérico de Bellota made?

prosciutto crudo presunto cru dry cured ham jamón

There are different types of Spanish hams, but the type of hams Jamón Ibérico de Bellota are considered the most expensive and exclusive. These hams are made from Iberian pigs fed exclusively with acorns (oak fruits) during their fattening phase, generally in the autumn months. Pigs are raised in specific areas of Spain, such as the Andalusia region, and are slaughtered and processed in a traditional way. The maturation process of these hams can take 24 to 36 months in controlled environments and is considered an art that requires a lot of knowledge and skill. The result is a ham rich in flavor, with a smooth texture and complex aromas, making it a highly valued and coveted gourmet product. Some examples of Jamón Ibérico de Bellota considered the most expensive include Jabugo, Guijuelo, Extremadura and Los Pedroches.

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