Tips for barbecue chicken

dry rub porco aves tempero churrasco bbq barbecue

Preparing a good chicken barbecue requires some care and techniques to ensure that the meat is tasty and juicy.

Farm chicken or free-range chicken?

Remembering that “cage free” does not mean that they are raised outdoors, they are raised in sheds, but they have more freedom as they are not trapped in cages and there is a limitation on the maximum number of birds per m², which is just over 7 birds per m².

granja galinha cage free
cage free chicken farm

The ideal is free range chicken, semi-free range chicken or free range chicken, which are respectively low-intensive and semi-intensive breeding models. While free-range chicken takes up to six months to reach ideal weight, in less than three months the bird raised in the semi-intensive model is ready for slaughter. The longer it takes, the greater the flavor of the meat, but it also tends to become more rigid, so if you have access to these birds, choose the one that best suits your taste.

galinha caipira free range
free range free range chicken

The most common chickens, found in all markets, are called farm chicken, created in a closed environment, with controlled temperature and humidity. He has a strict diet and focuses on rapid growth. They are slaughtered when they are, on average, 30 days old. Even with this shorter time, farm chickens are larger, have more meat and the meat is more tender. Much is said about the use of hormones for chicken growth on farms, but since 2004, Brazilian legislation prohibits the use of hormones in chickens. Accelerated growth is a result of genetic selection and specific nutrition. This accelerated process generates meat that is less flavorful and contains much less fat.

granja frango gaiolas
chicken farm cages

Which cut of chicken to choose for the barbecue?

Chicken cuts with a lot of skin are generally tastier due to the fat present between the skin and the meat, in addition to the skin serving as a layer of protection against excessive moisture loss. Choose fresh, good quality chicken. Free-range, cage-free, organic or free-range chickens generally have more flavor due to greater movement, lifespan and, in some cases, a varied diet.

Thighs, drumsticks, wing thighs and wings are ideal for barbecue, as they are juicier. Chicken breast can also be used, but it tends to dry out more easily and needs to be finished quickly.

Preparing chicken for barbecue

Option 1: Marinade

Marinade or brine are the most recommended options, learn more about the benefits of brine/marinade for meat by reading this post: Difference between Brine and Marinade. These techniques help to add flavor and keep the meat juicier. Some options to include in the marinade are:

  • Lemon, garlic, salt, black pepper, olive oil and herbs (such as rosemary or thyme), for a more Mediterranean flavor profile.
  • Natural yogurt with spices such as paprika, ginger, cumin and curry for a more oriental taste profile.
  • Beer, garlic, salt, pepper and herbs for a more European taste profile.

    Leave the chicken to marinate for at least 2 hours, but preferably overnight in the refrigerator.

Option 2: Dry seasoning mix

Read more about dry rub: Dry Rub Pork and Poultry

Dry seasoning mix or dry rub. Spread a mixture of dry seasonings well over the meat and leave for a few hours, preferably overnight for a more homogeneous incorporation. The dry seasonings applied take much longer to incorporate than the marinade, so it is recommended to leave it overnight.

Dry seasoning suggestion (per kg of meat):

  • Salt – 15g
  • sugar – 10g
  • Paprika – 5g
  • black pepper – 4g
  • mix with oregano and rosemary to taste.
coppiette romane temperos carne seca italiana
coppiette romane seasonings italian jerky

Option 3: Simple Seasonings

If you prefer something simpler, just coarse salt and black pepper also work well.

Finishing the chicken on the barbecue

Temperature: Chicken should be roasted over medium heat to ensure it cooks evenly without burning on the outside and becoming raw on the inside.

Distance from Brasa: keep the grill at a distance of approximately 30 to 40 cm from the coals.
Turn the Meat: Turn the chicken frequently to cook evenly and avoid burning.

dry rub porco aves tempero churrasco bbq barbecue

Cooking Time

Chicken breast: about 10-15 minutes on each side, depending on thickness.
Thighs and Drumsticks: about 25-30 minutes, turning regularly. Leaving the skin side facing the coals longer.
Wings(tulip) and wing drumstick(drumete): approximately 15-20 minutes, turning regularly.

Optional Tips

Meat Thermometer: it will be ready when the internal temperature of the chicken reaches 70°C.
Meat's Rest: Let the chicken rest for 5 to 10 minutes after it comes off the grill, before slicing. This helps redistribute the juices, keeping the meat juicy.
Side dishes: serve with farofa, vinaigrette, garlic bread and a good salad.

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