The meat emulsion consists of the connection (stable suspension) of water and fat with the meat protein. Normally, water and fat are unable to form bonds, and to make this bond possible, an emulsifying agent must be used. Meat protein serves as the “emulsifying agent”, or structure that makes it possible to stabilize these 3 components into a smooth, uniform mass. Myosin, the most abundant protein in meat, is the main encapsulator of fat and water particles.
Examples of emulsified products are sausages, pâtés, mortadella, some calabresa sausages, among many other products.
There are three stages in emulsion formation, which are key points for water retention.
Stages of meat emulsion
- Protein extraction and expansion;
- Fat encapsulation or emulsion formation;
- Formation of stable gel during cooking.
Protein extraction and expansion is performed by processing or finely cutting the meat using cutting blades in a cutter or food processor. During extraction, functional ingredients such as salt and phosphates are added, which help in the solubilization or ability of the meat to retain water, which is the expansion and trapping of water. Phosphates increase the pH of the formulation by increasing the negative charges that help in water retention.
Once the meat has been processed and the extracted protein is added to the fat, which is retained between the protein, orienting the structure and making room for the addition and retention of water, usually added in the form of crushed ice. The critical point at this stage is the temperature. It is recommended that the meat emulsion does not exceed 10°C. Heating will cause the fat to soften and will prevent the protein from being able to encapsulate the fat particles.

The last step is to cook the dough until the internal temperature is 73°C so that a stable gel is formed and it reaches the safe temperature.
Factors that interfere with meat emulsion
Water quality
It is important to use filtered water free of impurities. The ideal water has low concentrations of calcium (Ca+2) and magnesium (Mg+2).
Protein functionality
Actin and myosin are salt-soluble meat proteins with hydrophilic areas to retain water and hydrophobic areas that retain fat and other non-polarized compounds. Since polarization is important in water retention, the pH of the meat is very important. Use a good quality protein source that has been processed correctly since the animal was slaughtered, this will ensure good water retention capacity.
Processing temperature
The dough must be kept cold while it is being worked because the heat softens the fat and prevents it from being retained by the protein. As recommended by MACKENZIE (1966), the temperature should be below 15°C.
Balanced proportion – Water, fat and protein in the correct amounts provide a better emulsion. Protein is what retains water, so it is important to use a minimum amount of 16% of lean protein. The more protein, the more space for fat and water will be available, thus ensuring a better emulsion.
Ingredients – The correct choice and quality of all ingredients is very important for the ability to maintain the emulsion during processing and cooking. Salt and phosphates are the most important functional ingredients of a meat emulsion. A salt concentration of between 1.5 and 2.0 percent is recommended for good flavor and good viscosity. Salt reacts with the fillers in the meat to increase the space for water retention, which is called protein solubilization. Phosphates increase the pH of the meat, also helping with water retention. Vegetable or milk proteins are also widely used to increase water retention capacity, especially in products with low protein content.
Process and sequence – The correct timing of adding ingredients and starting processes affects the performance of the emulsion. ACTON It is SAFFLE(1969) obtained an increase in the capacity to emulsify beef fat with the addition of common salt and ice 12-24 hours before preparing the emulsion.
Cooking – Water retention is linked to the correct method, time and temperature of the cooking process. Cooking is generally done at a temperature close to 80 degrees.
– https://meatsci.osu.edu/node/130
– http://www.meatingplace.com/Industry/TechnicalArticles/Details/68658
– http://www.scielo.br/pdf/aesalq/v31/23.pdf
Hello, I'm using powdered milk to emulsify, but I bought the imulsifier from you, can I replace it with peace of mind and what is the percentage for artisanal sausages?
Yes, you can replace it, use 1% of the emulsifying mix based on the weight of the meat mass.
Hi Mr. Claudio. Good morning! Where can I find meat emulsifier in Roraima? Don't wait! Thank you!!!!
Good morning. Could you please tell me where to buy meat emulsifier here in Oi a vista RR?
Hi Adalto, I don't know how to recommend anything in Roraima. Only online: https://charcutaria.org/produto/emulsificante-estabilizante-carneo-embutidos-rendimento/
Using an emulsifier in sausage can make it lose its artisanal characteristics or does it have nothing to do with it?
Hi Claudio, artisanal refers to products that are made in a non-industrial way, usually following a traditional/regional recipe. In my opinion, the use of additives does not change this definition. In order to be sold, sausages need to have curing salt, for example, so even if they are artisanal products, they must contain this additive. Research the ART or SISBI seal in your city/state; the agencies responsible for these seals can provide you with precise guidance.
I've been following your channel for a while now and whenever possible I try to reproduce some of the recipes posted. One in particular that I really liked was the sausage preparation, I used the multi-processor... I managed to make the sausages, but I thought I would lose the appliance. I want to make sausages again, but could you tell me if there are more powerful equipment to emulsify 5 to 10 kg of meat?
Thank you for your attention and keep up the excellent work.
Hi Helder, there are “cutter” type processors from different brands, from small ones that work like processors but bigger and more powerful to large rotary industrial ones.
Hello ! Would a cutter like this be suitable for a small production with good emulsification?
Skymsen cr 4l
Hi Fabio, I've never tested this cutter, but it seems that it has everything it needs to produce a good emulsion. Ask the manufacturer about this specific use, they may have some tips. In general, follow the low temperature standards, add a good amount of crushed ice and use an emulsifying/yield mix. Salt the meat the day before. Grind it once or twice and only then process it in the cutter. This will greatly help in the success of the emulsion.
Thanks for the tips, hugs 🙂