The meat emulsion consists of the connection (stable suspension) of water and fat with the meat protein. Normally, water and fat are unable to form bonds, and to make this bond possible, an emulsifying agent must be used. Meat protein serves as the “emulsifying agent”, or structure that makes it possible to stabilize these 3 components into a smooth, uniform mass. Myosin, the most abundant protein in meat, is the main encapsulator of fat and water particles. Continue reading Emulsão cárnea
Category: Meat
Eisbein Roasted and smoked pork knuckle
Eisbein or Pork Knuckle is a typical German dish and can be fried, boiled, roasted or smoked. In all preparations, it undergoes salting and dry seasoning or immersion brine, which may or may not contain curing salt. Continue reading Eisbein Joelho de porco assado e defumado
Homemade Chicken Sausage
Chicken sausage is one of the easiest to make Continue reading Linguiça de Frango Caseira
Mold culture starter Mold-600 and Mold-800
Historically, natural molds available in the environment were responsible for the colonization of cured products and the positive effects of these molds on aroma, texture and preservation were confirmed. Continue reading Mofo cultura starter Mold-600 e Mold-800
How to make artisanal salami at home
Making salami at home may seem like a very difficult challenge at first, but with good reading and following the basic procedures you will realize that it is easier than it seems. There is no point in finding a recipe, because in the production of cured meats, such as salami, it is more important to understand how each process works than a specific recipe. It is more advantageous to create your own basic recipe following the principles of the process than to take a ready-made recipe and apply it without understanding what is happening.
Continue reading Como fazer salame artesanal em casaHandmade Bologna Mortadella 2
This is the second Handmade Bologna Mortadella what do I do in first try I had some problems that resulted in a product with a not very good emulsion, with a brittle and not very smooth texture. Despite the frustration of obtaining a product well below expectations, there were lessons. I recommend you watch the first attempt so you don't make the same mistakes. In addition to reading the introduction in which I quickly describe some of the bologna bologna of controlled origin and national products. Continue reading Mortadela Bologna Artesanal 2
Handmade Bologna Mortadella
The real Mortadella(Mortadella Bologna PGI) emerged in northern Italy, in Bologna, capital of Emilia-Romagna and is produced only with pork of good origin, no trimmings, soy or offal are used, only pork. Continue reading Mortadela Bologna Artesanal
Tips for making homemade sausage
List of tips on ingredients and procedures for producing good homemade sausages, much better in quality and flavor than industrialized sausages. Grind or cut with a knife? Use curing salt? What casing to use? What type of fat to use? Continue reading Dicas para fazer linguiça caseira
homemade ham sausage with jalapeño pepper
This recipe for homemade ham sausage with jalapeño pepper is very tasty. The jalapeño pepper is usually quite tasty and not very hot, so it is well accepted by all palates. Commercial sausages generally have between 20% and 30% of their total weight in fat, so this is a very lean recipe. If you prefer “wetter” sausages, add more fat. Continue reading linguiça caseira de pernil com pimenta jalapenho
Recipe for homemade ham sausage with cheese
Making sausage at home is very easy, you just need the minimum ingredients and equipment. More than a unique flavor, it's a way to make sure you're only including quality ingredients. All functional additives are optional, so it is possible to make a great and healthy sausage without any chemical additives or excess fat. Continue reading Receita de Linguiça de pernil com queijo caseira