Cold and hot smoking, liquid smoke and powdered smoke

defumar defumação defumados


The smoking process preserves and adds flavor to food. Hams, bacon, salmon, herring and oysters are often smoked. It's important to make a distinction between smoking for preservation (cooking with smoke) and smoking for texture and flavor. Generally, there are three different methods of smoking foods: hot smoking, cold smoking, and applying liquid or powdered smoke.

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Salami Cotto with crust

salame cotto crosta

O Salami Cotto, or cooked salami, is a dish of Italian culinary tradition, typical of the regions of Piedmont, Lazio and the cities of Piacenza and Savona. It is a sausage made with pork, seasoned like classic salami. It is usually prepared for Sunday lunch or during the Christmas and Easter holidays.

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Colonial Salami Recipe

Salame Colonial Pronto 15 dias

O colonial salami is a Brazilian salami very common in southern Brazil, colonial salami was adapted from revenues coming from Europe by immigrants mainly Germans and Italians. Colonial salami is generally made without using an air-conditioned environment during the process. As Brazil has a much warmer climate than Europe throughout most of the year, salami had to undergo some adaptations to be able to be made in our climate.

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Sucuk or Sudzhuk dried sausage from central Asia and the Mediterranean

sucuk sudzhuk

Sucuk, sujuk or sudzhuk is a cured (dried) sausage, spicy and with a lot of garlic, consumed in the Balkan region, the Middle East and Central Asia, that is, in countries that were part of the Ottoman Empire. The name comes from Persian and means “full gut”.

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Alheira Portuguesa

alheira linguiça portugal receita portuguesa

How to make Portuguese alheira? Portuguese Alheira Recipe. A alheira is a typical, lightly smoked Portuguese sausage originally made only with poultry meat, bread and plenty of garlic. In this recipe I used chicken and pork, but if you want the most original recipe, use only chicken meat. You can replace the chicken/chicken with turkey, duck or any other bird you prefer. It's a simple and very tasty recipe. Smoking is optional but recommended as smoking helps with flavor, color, aroma and protection.

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Homemade smoked pepperoni sausage in the pan

linguiça calabresa defumada na panela caseira charcutaria

Recipe for homemade smoked Calabrian sausage in the pan. Smoked Calabrese sausage is one of the most loved sausages in Brazil, it goes well in feijoadas, pizzas, sliced into dishes with rice and beans, in snacks or appetizers on tables in bars and restaurants. In starters, appetizers or main dishes, it is everywhere. A good pepperoni sausage is irresistible! It is a lightly spiced sausage, with a smoky touch and a firm, very compact consistency.

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Chicken liver pate

pate de figado de galinha chicken liver parfait

This is a classic chicken liver pâté recipe that I first saw on a Jamie Oliver show. The original recipe is a little different, I adapted it for the Brazilian palate and added some additives to give it more protection, durability and performance. It is a very quick and very tasty recipe, by applying the protective film of lard (or butter if you prefer) on the surface of the pâté it becomes very durable and maintains its reddish color.

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Värmlandskorv Potatiskorv Swedish potato sausage

potatiskorv varmlandskorv linguiça de batata

Potatiskorv (or värmlandskorv) is a regional Swedish sausage from Värmland, made with ground pork, beef, onion and potato. Traditionally, Potatiskorv is served hot at Christmas in Värmland and throughout Sweden. “Potatiskorv” is what this sausage is called in Värmland, while in most of Sweden it is called “värmlandskorv”.

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Sausage hotdog frankfurter hot dog

salsicha frankfurter sausage hot dog homemade charcuterie charcutaria

Frankfurter It is the typical sausage used to prepare hot dogs, or hot dogs, as they were originally called in the United States. It is a strongly seasoned sausage, traditionally made with a mixture of beef and pork or just beef. They can be just smoked or lightly smoked and then cooked in water. They are ready-to-eat products and can be consumed cold or heated moments before consumption. A common mistake is to overcook them in boiling water, leaving them swollen. The correct thing is just a quick warm-up.

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Coppiette Romane Italian dried meat

coppiette romane carne seca italiana charcutaria

The name Coppiette comes from the form of preparation that is originally made with two thin and long slices of meat, which are hung in strips tied with a string in “doubles”, “pairs” or “couples”. Romane designates the region in which this type of preparation originated.

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