Time and temperature for smoking meats, vegetables and cheeses

defumação de carnes defumar

Table with suggested temperatures and times for smoking meat. These values serve as a basic reference as the process depends on several points, such as quantity of food, air input and output, smoke and type of wood.

Cold smoking temperatureTimeSuggested foods
30ºC12 hoursfish, salami, sausages and cheese
35ºC12 hoursfish, salami, sausages and cheese
40ºC10 hourssausages and cheeses
In cold smoking, the food remains raw, it is not cooked, it just dehydrates a little and receives the flavor and color of the smoking process.
Semi-cold smoking temperatureTimeSuggested foods
45ºC10 hourssausages and hard cheeses
50ºC8 hourssausages
55ºC6 hourssausages
60ºC5 hourssemi-cooked sausages and red meat
In semi-cold smoking the food still remains raw, but at higher temperatures it is almost completely cooked.
Hot smoking temperatureTimeSuggested foods
65ºC4 hoursthin smoked sausages
70ºC4 hourssausages and thin strips of meat, fish and poultry
75ºC6 hourssausages and medium strips of meat, fish and poultry
80ºC5 hourssausages and medium strips of meat, fish and poultry
85ºC4 hourssausages and medium strips of meat, fish and poultry
85ºC6 hoursthighs, drumsticks and thicker meats
90ºC3 hourssausages and thin strips of meat, fish and poultry
90ºC9 hoursham, whole chicken, mortadella and ham
In hot smoking, the food is completely cooked during the smoking process and, at the end, it is ready for consumption.
Hot and long smokingTimeSuggested foods
100ºC12 hoursthin/medium beef rib
120ºC4 hourspicanha, half chicken and drumsticks
120ºC5 hourspork rib
120ºC6 hoursbeef brisket tip (brisket)
120ºC12 hoursbeef parts half the time in aluminum
120ºC12 hoursthick rib
In hot and long smoking, the aim is to smoke strongly and soften the meat well.

Dehydrate in the smokerTimeSuggested foods
65ºC12 hoursvegetables and fruits
70ºC12 hoursvegetables
75ºC12 hoursthicker vegetables
During dehydration, food loses a lot of water, decreases in size and is preserved for a long time.
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