When you cook the sausage, does it burst, that is, tear the outside part and open it? You are probably making a very common mistake. The sausage must be heated in hot water, never boiling. The sausage we buy in the supermarket is pre-cooked and only needs to be heated before consumption. When it boils, it bursts because the internal moisture evaporates, expands and “bursts” the product.
How to cook sausage?
Proceed like this: Boil the water, turn off the heat, add the sausages, count 5 minutes, ready to eat!
If you are preparing sausage with tomato sauce, never cook the sausage with the sauce. Prepare the sauce, turn off the heat and place the sausages to heat with the existing heat. There is no need to let the sausage boil with the sauce.
Another way to do it is to heat a frying pan with a little oil/olive oil/butter and quickly fry the sausage to heat it up. This procedure may even partially burst the outside, but it is normal and a very popular way of finishing the sausage, for example, in Germany. This process adds more flavor to the final product by caramelizing the exterior of the sausage.
And the sausage I made at home?
If you are making the sausage at home, as in this recipe, homemade sausage, then you will need to cook them as it is a raw product, but you will still have to cook them in water heated between 75ºC and 80ºC for around 20 minutes.
Why do sausages stay in the fridge from one day to the next?
Because there is a cut in the sausage
The very small longitudinal cut is from the machine that cuts and removes the casing after the sausage has been cooked. It only exists in sausages that are sold without the casing.
What would be the reason for the collagen casing to burst when the sausage goes in the oven?
Excessive heat bursts the casing. Bake at medium temperature.
If I have a store that sells hot dogs and I want to keep my sausage warm in water or in a bain-marie, how many degrees should I keep the water at?
I don't know if there is a specific rule for the water temperature to keep the sausages warm, maybe you can get the answer by asking your city's health department. Anyway, I think 65 degrees is fine.
Good afternoon! Until the end of 1996 I lived for about seven years in Japan where I bought some Made in Germany sausages, but I don't remember the manufacturer and they were delicious and I ate 8 units measuring about 15 or 18 centimeters at a time. Those flavors stayed in my memory but unfortunately I can't find national sausages that deserve to be called that. In the past in SP I was still able to eat Santo Amaro and Frigo Eder sausages, but nowadays all that is available in the markets is something indescribable, with so much rubbish following the requirements of pension funds such as PREVI, FUNCEF, POSTALIS, PETROS and others that dominate with their resources are cheap and they want absurd profits at any price and I have no doubt if there will be poisonings in the future. Why aren't edible sausages made that make you enjoy eating a hot dog? The collagen caps are extremely hard, the flavors resemble mechanically destroyed alien meat and seasonings that are worthless. Every now and then I try to find a manufacturer in Brazil who sells online, but everything in Brazil is backwards like no other in the world. In S.Bernando do Campo there is a small… Read more "
Can I pay for your products with a bank slip? If so, how can I do it? I want to buy 40 cm collagen sheet.
Yes, you can pay by bank slip. You can place the order directly through the website or send the order to contato@charcutaria.org or whatsapp 49 98802-4392
Why does fresh sausage embedded in natural casing burst?
It bursts when it is baked at a very high temperature, when the recipe has a lot of water incorporated, which evaporates very quickly and inflates the casing. But most likely it's the temperature. Sausage must be roasted at medium temperature, without any flame.
Good morning. In its text it says “If you are producing sausage at home, then you will need to cook them as it is a raw product”. A sausage is also raw and is not pre-cooked. What is the reason for this? Thanks.
Hello, fresh sausage is a product that contains minced/ground meat (coarsely) and large pieces of fat. It is a stable product even raw. Sausages are cooked immediately after preparation as they are an emulsion (soft and unstable) of finely ground/processed water, meat and fat. This mixture needs to be stabilized by cooking. Mortadella is another product that requires cooking as it has a soft dough before being cooked. Without cooking, emulsified meat products easily separate meat fat and water.
Sausages will also burst if there is a lot of lactic acid bacteria in the meat. In other words, if the pH of the meat is quite low, this may occur even without cooking the sausages.
Jocelino Ferraz Fontoura.