PASTRAMI smoked in the PAN vs electric smoker

pastrami fatiado

Pastrami is a cured and smoked meat, usually made from beef brisket. It is seasoned with a blend of spices, slowly smoked and then sliced to serve. Pastrami is known for its strong flavor and succulent texture, making it a popular ingredient in sandwiches, salads and various dishes. It is especially famous in Jewish cuisine and associated with New York delis.

Pastrami ingredients

  • 1kg Beef breast
  • 16g Salt
  • 10g brown sugar
  • 6g allspice
  • 5g Garlic powder
  • 5g Sweet paprika
  • 3g coriander seed
  • 3g black pepper
  • 2.4g Curing salt 1
  • 2.4g Antioxidant
  • 2g ground mustard seeds
  • 2g Ginger powder

Pastrami preparation

  • Mix pastrami seasonings and additives in a small bowl;
  • Generously rub the spice mixture on all sides of the beef brisket. Be sure to press the spice mixture into the meat so it adheres well;
  • Place the seasoned beef brisket in a large plastic bag or airtight container and refrigerate. Marinate for at least 15 days, turning occasionally to ensure all sides of the meat are equally seasoned;
  • IN THE SMOKER: prepare your smoker at a temperature of 90ºC and add wood chips. Woods like hickory, apple, and orange work well for smoking pastrami;
  • Place the beef brisket in the smoker and let it smoke for around 8 hours, or until the inside of the meat reaches 72ºC. Add more wood chips as needed to maintain smoke;
  • ON THE PAN: Place sawdust in the bottom of a tall pan. Place something to keep the meat at the top of the pan.
  • Place the pan over low heat, enough for the wood to smoke, keep it for 1 hour with the lid closed or slightly open;
  • After the smoking step in the pan, preheat the oven to 90°C. Wrap the beef brisket tightly in aluminum foil and place it on a baking sheet. Bake in the oven for another 6 hours;
  • Remove the pastrami from the oven and let it cool for a few minutes before unwrapping;
  • When ready to serve, slice the pastrami into thin slices. Serve on rye bread with yellow mustard and side dishes of your choice.
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If smoking is done in a pan, is it mandatory to put it in the oven for another 6 hours or are there ways that finish “only” in the pan?

Thank you and congratulations on the site!

Great tip for a weekend! I would like to know if it would be advisable to use cellophane to make the meat more tender. Thanks.