Leftover cream

crema de sobrasada linguiça espanhola patê

The originalobrasada is a cured Spanish sausage, made with pork meat and fat, seasoned mainly with salt and paprika. It is embedded in casing and matures slowly.

It is traditional from the Balearic Islands. It is used in several Mallorcan cuisine recipes, such as “arròs brut” or cooked and mixed with honey.

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Kibbeh Sausage Recipe kibbeh sausage

linguica de quibe kibe kibbeh sausage

Kibbeh (kibe, كبة, kibbeh or kubbah) is a typical Middle Eastern dish consisting of a dumpling made from bulgur or semolina dough, stuffed with meat, seasoned with herbs and condiments. The name derives from kubbeh which in Arabic means ball. It is a very popular dish in Lebanon, Palestine, Syria and Iraq. It is also common in North Africa, Turkey, the Arabian peninsula and part of the Caucasus, such as Armenia. Syrian-Lebanese immigrants spread the recipe to South America. In Brazil it is a very common dish, served in bakeries, cafeterias, restaurants and bars.

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Parrilla salt for barbecue

sal de parrilla

Substitute for coarse salt in short and medium-duration roasts, parrilla salt There has been a huge increase in market searches in recent years. There is great interest and curiosity about the product among the public. It reached great interest in January 2021, according to the most relevant results cataloged by Google Trends.

Legacy of the Argentine and Uruguayan tradition of preparing meats over the grill, it has become the new protagonist of Brazilian barbecue.

Continue reading Sal de Parrilla para churrasco

Pururuca pork rinds in the microwave without frying

torresmo pururuca pork rinds cracklings chicharrones microondas

Recipe, method of preparing pork skin for pururuca without frying, finished in 2 minutes in the microwave oven. You need to soften the skin, then dehydrate it and, finally, itch and pop using the microwave. In this way we were able to obtain a natural 100% product without the use of oils to fry the leather to make it chafe.

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Step by step industrial sausage production

linguiça de pernil com bacon e mandioca

Step by step for the industrial production of sausages. This text covers the production process, if you want recipes, see Fresh sausage recipes

Prior to slaughter, the animals must be fasted and on a water diet for a period of 24 hours. The animals must be slaughtered in a slaughterhouse with a Sanitary Inspection Service for Products of Animal Origin, using the stunning/stunning technique by cerebral concussion or electronarcosis, followed by bleeding, skinning and evisceration. Then, the carcasses will be packed in polyethylene bags and cooled in a cold room at 2º C for 24 hours, so that the physical-chemical phenomenon of muscular rigor mortis occurs.

Continue reading Passo a passo elaboração industrial de linguiça

Possunmakkara Finnish sausage Finnish sausage


Possunmakkara sausage recipe, from Finland. Traditional Finnish sausage. It can also be made with raisins, hence the name Rusinamakkara.

Finnish pork sausage recipe. Traditional Finnish pork sausage. The name of the sausage is Possunmakkara. Can also put a little raisins in the dough, I personally do not like them. Then the name is Rusinamakkara.

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Natural curing in delicatessen nitrite and nitrate in vegetables

salame salamitos

Celery, for example, contains nitrates, which under the right conditions can transform into nitrites and help color, prevent rancidity and inhibit anaerobic pathogens such as Clostridium botulinum. Beetroot can also be used for similar purposes, while cherry powder contains antioxidants and a high concentration of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) which increases the rate of nitric oxide reduced by nitrite, resulting in a reaction with myoglobin and the transformation into nitrosyl -hemochrome when heated, setting the reddish color typical of cured meats. Vinegar (acetic acid) and lemon juice can also be used, as acetic and citric acids are effective in preventing the growth of bacteria, including Listeria monocytogenes.

Continue reading Cura natural na charcutaria nitrito e nitrato em vegetais

Homemade salami recipe with pistachios

salame pistache

Making salami at home may seem like a very difficult challenge at first, but with good reading and following the basic procedures you will realize that it is easier than it seems. There is no point in finding a recipe, because in the production of cured meats, such as salami, it is more important to understand how each process works than a specific recipe. It is more advantageous to create your own basic recipe following the principles of the process than to take a ready-made recipe and apply it without understanding what is happening.

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