Smoking It can often seem like a challenge to make at home, but with a little creativity it is possible to adapt household equipment and make incredible dishes with the flavor and aroma of natural smoke. Smoking with an air fryer, is it possible?
In this recipe we use an air fryer to smoke a pork shank. The result was spectacular!
Smoke at home with the air fryer it's easy and quick! Simple and easy recipe, without specific equipment you will be able to smoke at home.
500g Pork shank
7g salt
4g sugar
2g garlic powder or 2 crushed garlic cloves
2g spicy paprika
half sliced medium onion
1g grain mustard
1g black pepper
dehydrated chives to taste
Preparing smoked ham in the air fryer
- Season the ham with all the ingredients and place it in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours;
- Place a piece of aluminum foil on the bottom of the air fryer, right over the place where the ham will be, leaving space on the sides for the wood;
- Next to the aluminum, fill the spaces with small wood chips, it cannot be saw dust as it will fly away with the air fryer ventilation, it must be small pieces, small chips, like these;
- Light some points of the wood with alcohol;
- Place the meat in the center of the air fryer;
- Turn the temperature to 100ºC and bake for approximately 45 minutes, or, if you have a culinary thermometer, until the center of the meat reaches 65ºC. Keep the air fryer in an open and ventilated place as a lot of smoke will come out during smoking;
- That's it, you'll have delicious smoked meat quickly and easily. Also try it with chicken thighs and fish!
Is there a course on charcuterie!?
Can you make chicken breast like this?
Yes, you can make chicken breast this way.
Thank you for this amazing recipe! Would you like to ask for a tip for beef to be prepared in the same way with the same time and preparation?
Hi Cleber, you can make it with beef. You can keep the same seasoning. The time will be similar if the meat has the same dimensions as the piece shown in the video. If the meat is thinner, reduce the time. If you have a thermometer and can monitor the internal temperature of the meat, it is easier, as when the center of the beef reaches 65ºC, it will be ready.
Great! Thank you very much!
Genius! Simple and easy to make smoking!!
I also really liked this type of smoking!