Pancetta is Italian bacon and a delicious ingredient used in many dishes in Italy. It's pork belly cured with salt and seasonings, then rolled up and hung to dry for a few weeks. Typically sliced or chopped and sautéed, then combined with sautéed vegetables. Countless recipes start with sautéing onions and other aromatic vegetables. Below is the homemade pancetta recipe.
Add to pancetta cubed into any dish and will add an additional layer of flavor. The classic Roman dish spaghetti carbonara is made with pancetta and sautéed eggs. Peaces of pancetta can be added to stews, beans and soups.
The traditional process of curing and drying pancetta takes about three weeks, but variations can be made to suit individual tastes. Pancetta is not originally intended for direct consumption, it is used in the preparation of other dishes, so it is not necessary to let it dry completely like a coppa or salami, it may still become soft.
Artisanal Pancetta Ingredients
- 1.2 kg Pork belly
- 25g salt – 2%
- 3g curing salt 2 (6% of nitrite, 3% of nitrate and 93.75% of salt) – 0.24%
- 3g antioxidant (with sodium erythorbate) – 0.24%
- 12g brown sugar
- 2g black pepper
- 1 sprig of chopped thyme
- 1 sprig of chopped marjoram
- 2 crushed garlic cloves
- 1g nutmeg
Preparation of Artisanal Pancetta
1. Trim the pork belly so that its sides are linear, forming a square or rectangle.
2. Combine all dry ingredients in a bowl and mix well for even distribution. Rub all the ingredients into the pork belly to give it an even coating over the entire surface.
3. Place the belly in a plastic bag or container with a lid. Refrigerate for 7 days. Turn the pork belly daily to redistribute the seasoning.
4. After 7 days, check the firmness of the pork belly. If it is firm at the thickest point, it is cured. If it still seems soft, refrigerate it with the cure for another 1 to 2 days.
5. Remove from the bag or pot, remove excess seasoning and dry the meat with a cloth or paper towel. Wrap the pork belly tightly, like a thick towel, and tie it tightly with string at 3 or 4 centimeter intervals. It is important that there are no air pockets inside the piece.
6. Wrap in collagen film, use elastic netting to make it easier, and hang the pancetta in a cool, humid place to dry for 2 weeks. Ideal conditions are 10°C to 14°C with humidity somewhere around 70%. A wine cellar, a cool and damp cellar or inside a plastic box in the glade (see recipe for salami made in the fridge) can works well. Moisture is important: If your pancetta starts to get hard, it is drying out and should be wrapped and refrigerated. The pancetta should be firm but pliable, not hard. Because pancetta is not meant to be eaten as is, curing is not as critical a stage as it is for items like copa, salami, raw ham, or dried sausages. But drying/curing/maturing pancetta increases its texture, intensifies its flavor and helps it preserve. As with almost all charcuterie products, don't stick to strict, one-size-fits-all rules.
7. After drying, pancetta can be wrapped in plastic wrap and refrigerated for 3 weeks or longer, depending on how dry it is and how seasoned it is. Frozen for up to 4 months. Freezing makes fine slicing easier.
Note: the curing salt contains sodium nitrite which has special and unique actions on meat: it changes the flavor, preserves the red color of the meat, prevents fats from developing rancid flavors and prevents the growth of many bacteria.
To store, package in vacuum or in PVC film and store in the refrigerator for up to 90 days or in the freezer for 6 months or more.
Production times for artisanal Pancetta
Start of drying/maturation: 09/29
End of drying/maturation: 10/21
Starting weight: 1252g
Final weight: 896g
Loss: 29%
Pancetta is not originally intended for direct consumption, it is used in the preparation of other dishes, so it is not necessary to let it dry completely like a cup or salami, it may still be partially soft

Curing salt 2R$ 8,00
Curing salt 1R$ 8,00
Fixative AntioxidantR$ 23,00
Culinary twineR$ 7,90
Starter CultureR$ 69,90
Culinary elastic net 50mmR$ 15,00
Collagen casing 45mm roll 5 meters salamiR$ 25,00
Culinary elastic net 65mmR$ 18,00
Collagen casing 80mm cup and salamiR$ 29,90
Salami collagen casing 45mm 10 units tiedR$ 22,00
Galvanized HookR$ 12,00
Natural pork casing for sausageR$ 52,00
Congratulations on the website, tips and recipes…Question: Excuse my ignorance, but after completing these processes, should I eat the thin slices “raw” or bake, fry or something like that?
Pancetta is preferably made for cooking, frying with other dishes, you can use it like bacon, for example.
good afternoon
I would like to know if the homemade pancetta can be placed in collagen casing or thick beef casing (the one you put in the cup), I didn't like the collagen sheet, can I replace it with some of these? What casing size is recommended?
Yes, you can put it in collagen casing or beef bottom, which is thicker. Gauge 80 or larger to avoid the risk of it being too tight. You can also wrap it with an open, cut pork intestine, like a bandage.
Good morning.
Is there a need to remove the leather? And yes, what would harm the cure?
Hi Marcos, you can keep the leather, removal is optional.
Thank you very much!
I prepared the pancetta and put it in the cellar, I noticed that the cellar changed the temperature a few times and caused mold to grow, is this normal? Did I lose the meat?
Mold is very common, remove it by rubbing with a brush or cloth dampened in water, salt and vinegar. 200ml of water, 10g of salt and 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Do this whenever mold appears, as the meat dries the mold will stop appearing.
Hello. I'm preparing my first pancetta, thanks to you. I follow and love your work!
Hello everybody!
Is it recommended to apply fungal culture on pancetta or should it only be used on salami and pantry?
Yes, you can use it on pancetta, it will help prevent unwanted mold and create a layer that helps control moisture loss.
Hello, I made a trick by covering the pancetta with cheese cloth. It has a strong smell but doesn't show any spoiling of meat, is that the case or have I lost the piece?
Hi Bruno, the cloth has openings that are suitable for harboring mold, this could be it. Open, clean the item well and re-wrap it. I don't think I missed the pancetta.
Good afternoon. Let me ask you a question. If I place the pancetta in a cellar with a temperature of 13-14 degrees and humidity of 70-80 percent, I still need to add the collagen film or I can keep it without the collagen. Can you tell what could go wrong if you don't put the film on? Another thing, if instead of the collagen film, you use baking paper. Will it make a difference? I'm not really sure what the difference is between collagen film and parchment paper. Thank you and I appreciate any comments.
Hello Luís, about the collagen film/sheet: it is a barrier designed to control moisture loss, it is very efficient for this. Another positive point is protection against contamination. The meat is not directly exposed to the environment. Any external contamination that appears will be visible and can be quickly removed without directly affecting the meat. Baking paper, in my opinion, is just a “gimmick” to do in the refrigerator without temperature and humidity control. They wrap the meat with several turns of paper to try to prevent the meat from drying out externally due to the low humidity in the refrigerator. The paper does not have the correct porosity, it can dry out or seal the meat too much depending on the porosity of each paper, there is no standard. Another negative point is that the paper does not adhere to the meat, it creates empty spaces between the paper and the meat where contamination can arise. As the paper is not transparent, these contaminations will only be seen when opening the package. There are those who do it successfully, but it is not a wrapper that provides control over the process. Is it possible to do without the collagen film/sheet with ideal temperature and humidity? Yes, it is possible, the flesh is more exposed… Read more "
There was no answer about the cellar temperature
The ideal cellar temperature is between 12ºC and 14ºC. Even with the collagen film, you need to leave it at this temperature. It can vary a little downwards, but upwards is best avoided as the range of microorganisms that can proliferate increases a lot as the temperature goes above 14ºC.
Good afternoon, how do I control humidity in refrigeration, I will use a wine cellar to maintain the temperature.
Hi José Roberto, you can control humidity by adding or removing pots of water or damp cloths inside the cellar. To monitor you will need an analog or digital hygrometer.
Hello, does this recipe without the film contain collagen? Just tying it well and letting it dry inside the plastic box in the fridge?
Hi Yuri. In this case, leave the box very moist to prevent the exterior of the piece from drying out. I believe between 80% and 90%. It will take a little longer but it should work. Hugs!
Isn't this recipe the same recipe for direct consumption, to be served on the board?
Yes, it's the same, just let the pancetta lose 40% of its weight before slicing.