Receipt of Salami CIAUSCOLO IGP (Indicazione Geografica Protetta). The meat used must be between two and ten days old after slaughter, ensuring the appropriate degree of maturation. The meat must be ground in two or three steps. The diameter of the grinder disc holes must be progressively reduced until the last grinding with holes between 2 and 3 mm. The mixture obtained must be homogeneous. The fat content should vary between 32% and 42%.
Before embedding, it is allowed to let the dough rest in a refrigerated environment for a period of no more than 24 hours.
The product must be built-in in natural pork or beef casings. Before use, the tripe must be adequately desalted by soaking it in warm water, wine or vinegar.
Bagging the ciauscolo salami in the casings must be done carefully, avoiding the formation of air bubbles. Tying must be done at both ends of the salami. Each salami must be between 15 and 45 cm long.
After embedding the salami, a drying of 4 days, which provides rapid superficial dehydration. This drying phase can be carried out in rooms at room temperature, in cold rooms with controlled temperature and humidity or, if you don't have a room and the environment is very hot, in a common refrigerator.
At the end of drying, the smoking, which must be done with cold smoke(Cold smoke generator smoker). The time varies depending on the desired intensity. I recommend between 4 and 8 hours.
After smoking, the processing phase begins. maturation, where the product must rest for a minimum period of 15 days, ideal in an environment with a temperature between 8°C and 18°C and humidity between 60% and 85%. But if you don't have a camera, you can use a regular refrigerator.
ciauscolo salami ingredients
500g Pork belly
500g Pork shank
22g salt
4g black pepper
100ml white wine
4 cloves of crushed garlic
3g type 2 curing salt (6.25% of nitrite and 93.75% of salt)
3g antioxidant with erythorbate
Preparation of ciauscolo salami
Clean the meat well, removing skin, bones, connective tissue and any other parts that reduce the quality of the product;
Mix all the seasonings, except the wine, and let it rest in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
Grind the meat 3 times, sequentially into discs with 12, 6 and 3mm holes. The diameter of the holes can vary, in order from thickest to thickest. This step is important to obtain a smooth and homogeneous dough;
Add the wine and mix the ground meat;
Embed in pork or beef casing;
Hang for 4 days at room temperature to allow initial drying and cold smoke for 4 to 8 hours (Cold smoke generator smoker);
Mature for 15 days in an environment that maintains approximately the following conditions: temperature between 8°C and 18°C and humidity between 60% and 85%. If you don't have a camera, you can use a regular refrigerator;
It is recommended to consume ciauscolo salami at room temperature, spread on a slice of bread and lightly greased with good extra virgin olive oil. It can also be used in salads and vegetables, but always raw, without being cooked.