Leftover cream

crema de sobrasada linguiça espanhola patê

The originalobrasada is a cured Spanish sausage, made with pork meat and fat, seasoned mainly with salt and paprika. It is embedded in casing and matures slowly.

It is traditional from the Balearic Islands. It is used in several Mallorcan cuisine recipes, such as “arròs brut” or cooked and mixed with honey.

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Chicken liver pate

pate de figado de galinha chicken liver parfait

This is a classic chicken liver pâté recipe that I first saw on a Jamie Oliver show. The original recipe is a little different, I adapted it for the Brazilian palate and added some additives to give it more protection, durability and performance. It is a very quick and very tasty recipe, by applying the protective film of lard (or butter if you prefer) on the surface of the pâté it becomes very durable and maintains its reddish color.

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